Hottan 始める – “the beginning”

Welcome to my first posting on the Martial Way Blog. I will keep this entry relatively short, as what I am trying to do will materialize on the path ahead.

I hoping this will be a place to express my experience on this path in the martial arts, specifically Kyokushin, inside and outside of the dojo, as well anecdotes and articles that I find interesting.

At 43 I have begun training in Kyokushin Karate. In my youth I studied ITF Tae Kwon-do and in an American style of Kenpo Karate (plus dabbling in some other styles). However, that was a very long time ago. Though I loved training in Kenpo, and I made it to shodan, it lacked any realism. There was very limited contact, or none at all. I was never hit, nor ever hit anyone. So, I was lacking confidence in this area. Eventually I stopped training.

Many years went by, and not to mention a few injuries from accidents (including spinal surgery), but the interest in martial arts never left. I decided to look for a dojo again. I searched out traditional, or classical, Karate. I was torn between Goju-ryu and Kyokushinkai. I decided upon Kyokushinkai, as it seemed to have a good balance of both the Shuri-te traditions (such as Shorin-ryu and Shotokan) and hard and soft characteristics of Naha-te and Tomari-te styles, such as Goju-ryu, and also included realistic fighting.

I found out, through an acquaintance, who also happened to be a Nidan in Kyokushin, that there was a dojo near my house. After much deliberation I decided to try it out, and my experience was great, but very short lived. Less then a month.

Once I was feeling okay enough to think about it, I was stuck with a relapse of prostate disease, called non-bacterial prostatitis or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS). Not cancer, but horrible none the less. This was incredibly difficult. It was something I had battled with for some time, and had returned with vengeance. So, I decided to leave training.

After a long battle with it, things began to settle down. Life began to return to normal. But the martial arts bug never left.

Flash forward five more years, and I am now in my 40s. But the longing for martial arts has never left. I wanted to train again.

Now, as I mentioned above, there was also something I felt missing from my training in my youth. Something that affected my confidence and my self-image. Though I had trained in Kenpo and a black belt, I didn’t feel I earned it, because of this missing component. None of my previous martial arts gave me this missing piece of the puzzle. That missing piece? Contact!

Now I don’t just mean contact in the form of point sparring or light bunkai work. I mean contact as in getting hit and hitting. Learning to take a punch, kick, and being able to deliver one.

There was a part of me that felt I was too old to be even thinking of this, but there was another part that thought, if I get over this fear hurdle, I could get over anything. So, how was I going to accomplish this? By the only way and style I knew would offer me this intense and realistic training… Kyokushinkai!

I had since moved from the area where the last dojo was, but through searching and a recomendation I have located an amazing instructor, Sensei Steve Fogarasi, whose passion and love for the art shines through. You can feel and see his deep commitment to this art. His technique is awesome, and he is right there training with us. He really is becoming someone I admire greatly and hoping I can aspire to some day.

My age is a factor (did I mention I am 43 y/o?!), and I feel it each class. But, I am hoping with time and training it will be less so. Thankfully my prior training is helping with the kata, kihon, etc., but with kumite,… I am severely a beginner. No question. I have so much to learn. I must overcome my fear. Why couldn’t I have had this type of training 20 years ago?! Well, I have found it now, and I truly believe everything in life is for a reason. I think I have found “The Ultimate Truth”!

I will try to keep this updated on my progress, and the posts will probably not be as long, but I wanted to give a little insight into what brought me here.



Comments 3

  1. Jutta

    Osu. I just found you blog and decided to start reading from the beginning, so to speak. I’ve recently picked up Kyokushin at the age of 48 and without any prior martial arts experience (except for a few months of Goju Ryu during a student exchange in Kentucky, when I was 17). Actually, I ended up in kyokushin more or less by accident. I originally had planned to attend a trial lesson at the local Shotokan karate club, but that class didn’t happen, because of a school holiday. So I went to the Kyokushin dojo instead. I figured, hell, I could at least take a look.

    An hour later, after the hardest workout I had done since highschool days, I was standing on a mat doing kumite. The sempai had said something like “Don’t hit her too hard … she is new … and no kicks to the head”, but I was still pretty scared and couldn’t believe they were actually allowing a total newbie like me to do that. I ended up pretty bruised, too, mostly because there always seemed to be knees, shins and ellbows in the way, no matter what I tried (well, what I tried were mostly a few punches and some half-assed kicks that couldn’t quite decide if they were mae geris or mawashi geris). But for some strange reason, I totally fell in love with it right away. I showed up to their next training session. And the next. And the next. And then I ordered my gi and joined the dojo.

    Not sure I will ever compete (even though I would love to, to be honest), and I’ll probably never get as strong, flexible and tough as the young guys who make up most of the class. But I know that if I stick with it, I will get a whole lot stronger, tougher and more flexible than I am right now. And that’s enough.

  2. alex mocella

    osu!!!thank you for sharing your comments………reading your journey to the path of Kyokushin reminded me of my own personal journey…came back to kyokushin at 51 …earned my shodan at 59…today past 67 still training 3 times a week…..stay with it …the rewards are many….if you don’t mind a few bruises and injuries…osu

    1. Scott

      Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment Alex! You’re story is inspiring! I hope to be still doing this at 67. Osu! Scott

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