I have been off training for over a week due to moving, and having a nasty cold. I returned on Friday, and it felt really good to back at Contact Kicks Dojo with everyone. Friday’s at our dojo, like most Kyokushin dojo’s, really concentrates on kumite. It’s often referred to as “fight night“. This friday was no different.
Organizing your Kihon
I know, you don’t even like reading about Kihon, let alone practice it. As we are moving into testing time, we have been “brushing up” on our basics, and learning required kata and kihon for our ranks.
Norihiro Yoshida: Chiisai Bushi / Little Warrior- 小さい 武士
There are people who come into your life that leave a mark. It almost feels as if it was meant to be. One person that came into my life in the past year who had a huge impact, was Norihiro Yoshida.
The ART in Martial Arts & Kyokushin Karate
While drilling basics, with the focus mid-way in class on kicks, we were all lined up with Sensei Fogarasi calling out the various kicks, which would then perform 30 of, per side, with kia!
The Kyokushin Karate Family
As cheesy as it might sound, I love my new family. Before I joined Contact Kicks to study Kyokushin Karate life was very different for me, and I have written about it here. I have talked about all the benefits I received from the physical training and conditioning of Kyokushin,
The Heart Of Kyokushin Karate
I write a lot about Kata, because I do love it so much, and probably because in the previous style I practiced, practically all attention was given to bunkai of kata. However, I was reminded of something very important this past weekend, by my teacher, Sensei Steve Fogarasi.