This past weekend marked the 2014 End of the Year Gathering and Testing at Contact Kicks Dojo. There were 38 students attending from all disciplines. Kyokushin Karate, Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
The event was full of demonstrations from the students and instructors, as well being focused on awarding belts and certificates to the karate students, both kids and adults.
Beyond being an amazing event, Sensei Steve Fogarasi gave some great speeches on the accomplishments throughout the year, both in the competitive arena, as well as an individual level for many.
For me, it was a time of reflection. I was happy and excited to be there, with my ‘new’ family and friends. There were many smiles and memories of a great year. I’ve written about it here many times, what a challenging year it has been, and the incredible growth I have made with myself, due in large part to the dojo environment and the training under Sensei Steve Fogarasi, who has become a mentor to me.
I am not the same person as when I entered the dojo ten months ago. The lessons I have learnt have gone way beyond karate training, and has spilled into every facet of my life. It has given me the tools to survive and triumph in the face of adversity. I owe so much to my school and teacher.
I look forward to what the New Year brings, both on a personal level, and at the dojo. I will be turning 45 this coming year. I continue to be athletic and though I might never be a champion, I will aim to be the best 45 year old I can be. And, that is enough for me.