Pointer to the Truth

Summer is here and while I have been training just as hard, I haven’t been writing as much. Probably because I am spending more time outside enjoying the weather. Remember, I am in Canada and winter will be here soon enough!

Sosai Mas Oyama training on the Makiwara

Sosai Mas Oyama training on the Makiwara


My Backyard Makiwara and Sandbag station

Aside from the Dojo training I was inspired to set some things up in my backyard for conditioning. I created a stand to hold two sandbags (rice bags) for striking power, as well as a makiwara. The makiwara is great because, I have speed but lack power. So, the makiwara forces me to strike with power and not speed, to condition. Aside from this I put in a chin-up bar, pulleys for stretching, TRX, etc. It has been a really fun experience, I love training outside.

This past weekend my instructor, Sensei Steve Fogarasi, posted a student profile featuring myself! I was very honoured. As I read through the questions it really got me thinking about these past few months, and the changes I have made in my life. While I have been working hard, I owe it all to my teacher, who has been an inspiration in my life.

Sensei Fogarasi’s bio is posted here, but I can tell you first hand that he is the real deal. I had been searching for an instructor and dojo for some time, so when I found Contact Kicks I can’t even express how lucky I felt.

A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself, Bruce Lee

Property of Steve Fogarasi. Used with permission.

Sensei Steve Fogarasi, 3rd Dan
IFK Canada Representative

Sensei Fogarasi embodies the old and the new. While he is very traditional and adheres to the way Kyokushin Karate should be taught, he is incredibly philosophical in his approach, so everything you learn or hear is completely applicable outside of the dojo as well as in. This is a very unique gift of teaching. He uses martial arts as a means to develop your true human potential. Sensei Fogarasi  has become not only my teacher, but my mentor as well.

Since joining I have quit smoking, becoming fit, increasing my stamina, reduced stress in my life, improved the overall quality of my life, building my confidence, and I’ve made some great friends. Not bad for for a few months of training!

I am not sure where this journey will take me, and nor do I care right now, as I am enjoying living in the moment. All I know is that my life has been enriched by this experience.

We are extremely lucky and fortunate in Canada to have Sensei Fogarasi here representing Kyokushin and the IKA. If you are ever in the Toronto area, please contact the dojo and join us for a session, and if you are from the Toronto area, do yourself a favour and try it out. You will thank yourself later.

To my instructor Sensei Steve Fogarasi, thank you for everything, domo arigato gozaimashita. OSU !