Kumite Practice Is Not Only For You

Friday night class at Contact Kicks Dojo, like many Kyokushin dojos, is usual focused on Kumite. A grueling night in the summer heat, leaving us exhausted, beaten, but very satisfied. Stamina tends to be the deciding factor for many, including myself. Taking Sensei Fogarasi’s words of advice I try to pace myself, knowing what is coming. Taking it lighter earlier …

Kyokushin in Reverse

Moving from jodan uke in Kiba Dachi to gyaku tsuki in zenkutsu dachi, twisting the waist, generating enough torque to make your belt whip around your waist, back and forth as the punch is delivered, with Kime. Over and over, 100 times, we practice the movement. Sensei Fogarasi watches our every move, correcting us. Making sure that we are rotating correctly …

Relaxed Kime

We had a very traditional class last night at Contact Kicks Dojo, focusing on kihon and the basics. Sensei Fogarasi took us through hundreds of strikes, blocks and kicks. Lined up in the heat of the summer, it doesn’t take us long to warm up. The sounds of kia’s blasting from our lungs and echoing within the dojo. All of …