Forging Your Virtues

Last night’s class was the first after my return from vacation, and it was hard! I was certainly glad that I continued exercising and running while in Mexico, as I think it would have been much worse without it. Without giving away Fogarasi Sensei’s secrets, that man knows how to motivate and train his students. Osu! The class was tough …

Becoming Grounded

Last night was my last class before leaving for vacation to Mexico. As I’ve stated before, with each class I feel like I am improving, if only by small increments. The class was focused on conditioning, it was hard, but my spirit didn’t break. One of the exercises we were working on was blocking and countering. This drill conditions your …

Train the Mind Train the Body

I love Friday night classes, as they are usually geared towards sparring and kumite. My major weakness. We started with body conditioning and moved to focus pad drills. The emphases last night was on knee strikes. Fogarasi Sensei spoke to us about not only the importance of knee strikes, but the proper applications and distancing, both for competition and self-defense …