Kihon – The Alphabet of Kyokushin Karate

I am getting geared up to travel to England for the BKK Summer Camp, presented by Hanshi Steve Arneil and the IFK. I am traveling with my instructor, Sensei Steve Fogarasi and his wife Senpai Mici and their son. I am super excited about the opportunity! So, last night’s class at Contact Kicks was the last one before leaving for the trip. …

Kyokushin in Reverse

Moving from jodan uke in Kiba Dachi to gyaku tsuki in zenkutsu dachi, twisting the waist, generating enough torque to make your belt whip around your waist, back and forth as the punch is delivered, with Kime. Over and over, 100 times, we practice the movement. Sensei Fogarasi watches our every move, correcting us. Making sure that we are rotating correctly …