Episode 1: Shihan Judd Reid

For those who are not familiar with Judd, he grew up in Australia training under Shihan Eddie Emin, is the first, and one of only two, foreigners to have completed 1000 days live-in student training (Uchi Deshi) under Kyokushin Karate founder Masutatsu ‘Mas’ Oyama in Japan, from 1990 to 1993, won the Australian heavyweight title in 2002, won the WKO World Championship in Thailand 2010, and became last ever student of Sosai Oyama’s to finish the 100 man kumite, in 2011. This was chronicled in a great documentary, 100 Man Fightshot by his best friend and corner man, Anton Cavka. Tragically, Anton passed away before the completion of the book, and Judd dedicated it to his memory. Shihan Judd Reid’s chronicled his time as an Uchi Deshi in his book, The Young Lions – 1,000 Days of Training Under a Karate Legend and the 100-Man Kumite.


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7 years ago

Wonderful interview and very inspiring!
Many thanks for uploading!


Jason Winton
Jason Winton
7 years ago

So good. Thanks for this Scott.

7 years ago

good luck shihan. I hope that soon your ladies will be launched in Iran

Christopher Shabazz
7 years ago

Good interview with Shihan Judd. I’ve followed his fighting career and his training and fighting in Thailand. He’s a truly humble person. Although, I’ve not meet him yet but hope to during his future visits to Brooklyn NY or his visits to upstate NY. Thanks again Scott. Osu!


7 years ago

Dear Scott-san, 1. Well Done on your interview of Judd REID – he is a hard man to catch ! 2. Many great memories during our training days in Melbourne , AUSTRALIA. Ironically I too was 12 WHEN I first started; but for different reasons of course. 3. Judd is a true martial artist and very much the genuine article – there’s NO BS with Judd, which was and is HOW we try to maintain WHAT we have been fortunate to have learned from the likes of Eddie EMIN, John TAYLOR to name a couple. But Judd does credit to… Read more »

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