Episode 5: Shihan Cameron Quinn

Shihan Cameron Quinn, author of “The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama,” Uchi Deshi under Sosai Mas Oyama, as well as translator and friend of Sosai. Shihan Quinn was an incredible guest with a wealth of history and knowledge. This was the perfect way to start the New Year. Please enjoy the video and/or audio podcast.



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4 years ago

Enjoyed the conversation. Thank you! Like to point out 1 thing regarding to Wesley. He mentioned that the karateka’s of the new era are more techniqually gifted than the older guys. I know Wesley as one of the very few technicians in the tournament world recently, and I remember him mentioning that one of his desires is to create the more creative and beautiful fighting, which he mentioned in this conversation too. The modern trend in Kyokushin tournament fights is the “bully fights”, too far focussing on the power side of fighting, which I intrepret as “less techniques” and/or “less… Read more »

Christopher Shabazz
4 years ago

This was a good episode. Glad to see the younger people doing well and are still very hungry for karate.

6 years ago


Patrick McCarthy
7 years ago

What a wonderfully informative interview … Shihan Cameron Quinn is such a remarkable source of knowledge. Thank you for presenting the interview.

Jamshed Bulsara
Jamshed Bulsara
7 years ago

OSU Shihan am very fortunate to be training under you since 2013.
Got to know so many things more today from this interview .
Thanks Scott.

Endre Kovacs
7 years ago

Osu. Great presentation

C K Tjoeng
C K Tjoeng
7 years ago

Wow. Amazing interview.
Shìhan Quinn is also popular and well known in Zhong Kong!

Allan Harris
Allan Harris
7 years ago

That was amazing and very inspiring!

Senpai Allan

Richard Trammell
7 years ago

Great interview!

7 years ago

Dear Scott-san, 1. Another excellent interview hosted by you of Cameron QUINN Shihan. He did a great job with Gary O’NEILL back in the day. NOTE: All you need now is to interview Gary O’NEILL Sensei, and then seriously look at interviewing Naomi Ali (formerly WOOD) Sensei , as she is the ONLY female to have completed the 100 Man Kumite. This is an interview I can help you set up – would be an awesome interview to conduct. 2. I’m back in CANADA shortly ; look forward to catching up. 3. Let me know WHAT you decide either way… Read more »

Rick Matz
7 years ago


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