IFK Syllabus

Hanshi Steve Arneil, the founder and President of the International Federation of Karate (IFK), learned directly from Masutatsu Oyama and was a senior instructor in Mas Oyama’s International Karate Organization (IKO) until 1991, when he resigned from the IKO. He became the first person to complete the100-man kumite after Mas Oyama himself.

Hanshi Arneil recognized the issue with remembering all the requirements for each rank. One of Hanshi Arneil’s goals for the IFK was consistency, so that every Kyokushin karateka in any country, at any dojo would perform the techniques and katas the same. Hanshi Arneil developed a systematic grading syllabus for the IFK and published a book on Kyokushin kata. With each grade, you are exposed to more techniques, and kata obviously, with increasing complexity.



To come


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3 years ago

Great Site! Helpes me a lot in my Way to success in Kyokushin

Reinaldo Vargas jr
Reinaldo Vargas jr
5 years ago

the Syllabus are very helpful and greatly appreciated I had the pleasure to train with Hanshi Steve Arneill and shihan Monaco !! was life changing experience for me, look forward to the continued videos. OSSU !!!

Jeroen Herlaar
Jeroen Herlaar
6 years ago

Great! When will the remaining ones be uploaded? Would be really useful as you r the only place with vids online.

7 years ago

Hi guys! Great website you have here, the info is really helpfull. Now…my question might be off topic but I did not know exactly where to turn with this. I recently started practicing kyokushin at home. I follow the Kyokushinkai Honbu dojo syllabus. I have the info, technique, dojo etiquette, 10 rules of kyokushin, kihon,kata,etc. BUT…my problem is I do not know the order of the moves to be practiced. For example: first a strike . It is practiced static first, not moving in order to get the feel of the body, then in movement(sanchin dachi step or/and zenkutsu and… Read more »

Auke Kieffer
Auke Kieffer
8 years ago

Thanx . Good to know !

tor egil eitland
tor egil eitland
8 years ago

Osu and thanks for the vids. The syllabus was made for kyokushin it’s just that we in the ifk stayed with it.


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