This is a list of Training & Conditioning videos I have compiled. If you have anything you would like to contribute please contact me and I will add them. I wanted one repository so people do not have to search. I will be adding to this page constantly, so check back often. OSU!

Training With Rubber (Kyokushin Karate)Training With Rubber Bands for Kyokushin Karate

Training the national team of JapanTraining the national team of Japan for The 8th World Open Championship 2003

Kyokushin Shield Training from Shihan Howard Collin’s Dojo in SwedenKyokushin Shield Training from Shihan Howard Collin’s Dojo in Sweden

Conditioning Training with Alex LavrushinConditioning Training with Alex Lavrushin

Conditioning workout with Ana Tarasov, Kyokushin championConditioning workout with Ana Tarasov, Kyokushin champion

Kyokushin Warm up routine with Sensei Steve FogarasiKyokushin Warm up routine with Sensei Steve Fogarasi

Kyokushin Conditioning Training with RFORCE8Kyokushin Conditioning Training with RFORCE8

Kyokushin – Combination #2 Ido+Barbell – Arthur HovhannisyanKyokushin – Combination #2 Ido+Barbell – Arthur Hovhannisyan

Kyokushin Karate Training on the MakiwaraKyokushin Karate Training on the Makiwara

Kyokushin Warm Up with Lechi Kurbanov

Kyokushin Warm Up with Lechi Kurbanov

Shihan Prasanna Fernando Kyokushin fight conditioning on the BIG MITTShihan Prasanna Fernando, Kyokushin fight conditioning on the BIG MITT

Shinkyokushin Stamina Training with Shihan Jesús TalánShinkyokushin Stamina Training with Shihan Jesús Talán

Kyokushin Karate Circle Training at the dojo of Arthur HovhannisyanKyokushin Karate “Circle Training” at the dojo of Arthur Hovhannisyan

Intro to Loaded Stretching for Strong Flexibility Without WarmupIntro to Loaded Stretching for strong flexibility, without warmup

Kyokushin – Combination #2 – Kihon training at the dojo of Arthur HovhannisyanKyokushin – Combination #2 – Kihon training at the dojo of Arthur Hovhannisyan

Kyokushin Superset training with Matan EliakimKyokushin Superset Training, with Matan Eliakim

Kyokushin Training for Stamina – Punches & Kicks with Cristian BoldutKyokushin Training for Stamina – Punches & Kicks

MMA & Fight Conditioning The Kyokushin WayMMA & Fight Conditioning The Kyokushin Way

Kyokushinkai Strength and Conditioning Circuit TrainingKyokushinkai Strength and Conditioning Circuit Training, with Kyokushinkai Costa Rica

Kyokushin Fighting and Training CompilationKyokushin Fighting and Training Compilation

Kyokushin Training and Conditioning with Nicolae StoianKyokushin Training and Conditioning with Nicolae Stoian

Kyokushin Seminar with Lechi KurbanovKyokushin Seminar with Lechi Kurbanov

Training with SandbagTraining with Sandbag

Kyokushin – Legs Training Beginners with Arthur HovhannisyanKyokushin – Legs Training “Beginners”, with Arthur Hovhannisyan

Kyokushin Leg Training with Lechi KurbanovKyokushin Leg Training with Lechi Kurbanov

Kyokushin – Upper Body Training, with Arthur HovhannisyanKyokushin – Upper Body Training, with Arthur Hovhannisyan

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Coleman Ridge
Coleman Ridge
9 years ago

This is a great resource. Thank you.

I am particularly fond of this video of Alexander Lavrushin, an Ashihara champion, training. It gave me my first inkling of why it is Russian fighters are so strong. If you take videos of Kyokushin offshoots, I recommend it you your attention.

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