At the age of twenty-one, Nicholas Pettas completed the brutal 1,000-day Uchi-deshi program of...
Senpai Kimm Carriere started her Karate career at the age of seven and began competing when she was...
Shihan Koen Spitaels is an international legend, one of the leading Kyokushin / Shinkyokushin...
Sensei Kiley Baker has been training in Martial Arts since 1995 and teaching since 1998 She...
Shihan Hugo Perez is the first official member of So-Kyokushin for North America and the Director...
Sensei Emma Markwell is a British AND World Champion in Kyokushin Karate, and podium holder of many...
Sensei Steve Fogarasi 4th Dan is the President of IFK Canada and Country Representative He is also...
Sensei Wesley of Holland has competed and placed on the podium of many many tournaments across...
Kyokushin Karate Sensei Darren Stringer is known as an “all rounder”, equally as comfortable in...
With everyone in most parts of the world in quarantine and self-isolation, people are looking for...