This past Friday was my birthday. I turned 44 and celebrated by going to “fight night’ at Contact Kicks. As most night’s it was a great class, under the watchful eye of Fogarasi Sensei.

We also had the honor of being joined by Senpai Michael Spineti, from Heart & Soul Academy in Montreal, to train with us. He has competed and won numerous competitions, including the Middle Weight 1st place at the North American Shinkyokushin Championship in 2011. It was great having him in the dojo, and the energy he brought was amazing. He is a great athlete and super nice guy. Here is a pic of him with Fogarasi Sensei, as well as a group shot. Osu!
As I mentioned, this was my birthday, and there was no way I was going to be outdone by a bunch of young guys and gals! The class as intense as usual with hardcore conditioning before we completed the evening with 10 or 12 rounds of sparring.

At the end of class, as Sensei was making closing remarks on the evening, he alluded to well-rounded Kyokushin practitioners, and referenced Darren Stringer as not only a great champion fighter, but also champion in kata. I wasn’t familiar with him, so when I looked him up over the weekend I was blown away. He really is amazing.
All of this got me thinking about my birthday and my expectations. When I wanted to get back into martial arts there were many reasons why. One was the contact aspect, which I wrote about, but in addition I was bored with traditional strength exercises, like weight training. I knew learning and practicing a martial art, not only helps you achieve enhancement in the physical, but in mental health as well. The training of Kyokushin not only exercises the body, providing muscular and cardiovascular improvements, it also exercises the mind and nervous system. The brain is constantly in higher cognitive thought as you practice, and the nervous system of the body is completely engaged.
And so far Kyokushin under Fogarassi Sensei has been meeting all of my expectations and beyond.
I believe as we get older that people can have a tendency to believe they are “too old”. Especially when they see Kyokushin practitioners of a high caliber who do amazing feats. But Kyokushin can, and should, be modified to adjust to the needs and limitations of the student.
The amazing thing about Contact Kicks is Fogarasi Sensei’s ability to inspire you and discover your own potential, no mater what your age, background or current capabilities.
I know what my goals are in Kyokushin. I obviously am not aiming to be a champion in fighting, but I am aiming to be the most well rounded karate-ka I can be, while increasing my mental and physical health.
So, please don’t let age or your perception of what you “can’t do” hold you back, or seeing young champions. Go to the dojo and find out for yourself what you are capable of. You’ll be glad you did.
I am 70 years old and took up Kyokushin 6 weeks before my 70th birthday.Although i hold a first degree black belt in Taekwon-Do i havent trained for 30 years.Kyokushin was the style i always wanted to do but there was not a club near me.
Since changing to Karate i am really happy that i passed my first grading and got my red belt.
I just got back from Tokyo as i am a Ska Musician and got to visit the shrine of Mas Oyama.I Would recomend this style to anyone no matter how old you are.Osu.
Hi folks, I’m nudging 50. I resumed my Kyokushin journey after 30 years. I had give up due to amount of injuries, worst of all fractured ribs. Things have been good so far but I was kicked in the ribs a couple of weeks ago (and it wasn’t even a hard kick!). I’m in agony again; even breathing hurts let alone laying on my side, etc. I can’t believe that it hasn’t healed after all these years. I feel very sad because I’m really enjoying the training. I’m getting my flexibility and stamina back and I don’t want to give… Read more »
I am 55 with four back surgeries, two left knee surgeries, and both shoulder operated to repair the rotator cuff ,and I have been training Shinkyokushin for the last year. I have recovered my flexibility and agility, also my fighting skill. Most of the higher ranks where I train are at least 10 years younger than me. I feel so good and my fitness level has improved 100%.
I’m 56. I began Brazilian Jiujitsu about a month or so ago. I am certainly the oldest one in class. The instructor at 42 is my closest peer. The rest of the members are in their 20’s or a few in their teens. Many of them are either professional or amateur MMA fighers. I am old enough to be their father and then some. I am not as flexible or have as good stamina as any of them and my skill level is at the bottom of the group, but I am improving every day and that’s what it’s all… Read more »