Kyokushin Karate and a Reminder of Beginnings

I haven’t posted in a while, frankly because life has been pretty hectic. I haven’t been at to dojo as much either, lucky if I make it twice a week. If I do miss, I make sure I get as much practice in as I can at home or the gym. But this past weekend we had our end of year grading, and I was reminded of some things.

As many who read my blogs know, this one and my other blog, I decided over a year ago to leave my career. I took time to reflect, do a lot of internal work and take some training.

Up until just over a year ago I was in a highly stressful job and was in a marriage that ended. I worked as a project manager in digital interactive advertising. While it was lucrative, my soul was dying and the stress killing me. Even though I worked out all the time, including full-contact fighting, I ended up in the hospital with blood pressure of 192/92 and close to a heart attack. That is no joke. Very serious. The relationship deteriorated, until ultimately we split. I took that opportunity to leave the career and downsize. Took a year off to revaluate.

Then, I heard an interview with Vinny Shoreman on the Joe Rogan Experience. Vinny is a famous fight coach from the UK, and he was talking about Mind Coaching. I had heard of Life Coaching, because people suggested I should look at doing it. But it sounded too much like project management. But Mind Coaching… that sounded awesome!

I contacted Vinny who was very responsive and before you know it, I was enrolled in Neuro-Liguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy. It has been a perfect match for me and I seem to be a natural! The tools helped me overcome my own limitations but also answered part of the call of what I want to. How I want to help people.

Though I am still studying I have started my own practice, Performance Mind Coach, working with athletes or anyone needing a “software update”. It is very slooooow building it. Partly because no one understand what it is I do. Inspirer? Motivator? Hypnotist? Yes, yes, yes and then some.

I also have a personal blog that I leave my ramblings, which people seem to like, and I have also just began to vlog there.

I have a long way to go, and though my savings are running out, I refuse to go back into my old career. Though it is tempting for the money. I trust the universe and my passion to take me on a journey to a career that doesn’t feel like a career. Coaching, writing and … motivational speaking. I want to tell my story and help others.

However, with all that being said… I am struggling. I refuse to give up, and I still fail, but I fail forward. I have a good-enough job right now, that isn’t working out, and not sure how I am even going to pay my bills in the next few months. But, I have to continue. I know and believe that it will work out.

The reason I am rambling about all of this is because I don’t think any of it would have been possible without my dojo, Contact Kicks. I was reminded of that this past weekend, when we had our student kicks december grading3

As I mentioned, I haven’t been attending as much as I use to. Much of time is now spent hustling to make money, and I live far from the dojo. I am sometimes stuck in meetings etc and no time to make the class. However, I do practice when I can.

What I was reminded of though this weekend is that beyond all the physically components of training in Kyokushin Karate, which forges your body, it also forges your spirit. The spirit of never give up! It is something that has carried over into every aspect of my life.

As well, I was reminded of the amazing not so new family I have there. The incredible support of one another, the camaraderie and the feeling of belonging.

The dojo is so much more than just a place to get fit. You can do that at any gym. The dojo is so much more than a place you can learn to fight. Again, you can do that elsewhere. The dojo is a place where you will build friendships right along with building techniques. The dojo is a place where you will build character, right along with learning to fight. The dojo is a place a place where you will develop your inner fortitude, along with building your physical strength.

One of the best decisions of my life was the Friday night I walked into the dojo for the first time. My life was never the same again.

contact kicks december grading2We are approaching the holiday season and I reminded that one of the greatest gifts I have ever received is the introduction of Kyokushin Karate in my life. I couldn’t even imagine my life without it now. Though it felt great getting a new grade in Kyokushin, 4th kyu, what felt better than any belt or piece of paper could make me feel is everything I have developed from the training and the friendships I have made.

Kyokushin ChristmasSo, I say thank you to my Sensei, Steve Forgarasi for being my teacher, my mentor and my friend. It is an honour beyond words to be a student. I am humbled always by his wisdom. Thank you to all of the Senpai for your guidance. Thank you to my fellow students for becoming my extended family and being there without being asked. And thank you to all the Kyokushin Karate-ka around the world that follow my journey through here. If I have inspired you in any way… that is enough for me.

If anyone reads this that isn’t already involved, walk yourself inside a dojo like I did at Contact Kicks. Your life too will change and you will thank yourself that you did.


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9 years ago

Osu, Scott!

Congratulations on your 4th kyu – that’s a BIG step.

Also, my best wishes to you on your Journey!

Rick Matz
9 years ago

Ganbatte. Osu!

john preece
john preece
9 years ago

I had a similar experience 3 years ago. My son was already training but my health was poor. I started training once a week and now train 2-3 times a week. My health and my quality of life have drastically improved and I owe it all to karate. Now my wife does it too! I have found the more you give to karate and life the more you get back. Good luck in your new venture. After reading you’re blog avidly for 6 months with the passion you have shown in your blog I am sure you’re new venture will… Read more »

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