It’s been a rough couple of weeks. First I get slammed with a cold that turned into a bronchial infection. Spent a few days in bed with my dog as company, so obviously missed a couple classes. Then, as I’m feeling better from the cold, I get a flare up of chronic pelvic pain.
I mentioned prostatitis in my first post on here, Hottan 始める – “The Beginning”. I first came down with this around five years ago. It is not cancer, but awful and painful. The symptoms are different for everyone who gets it, but generally it is serious pain, burning, etc., in your man bits. There are different types and symptoms of it. The one I got was called Chronic Prostatitis Type IIIA. It is more commonly now called “chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). The common theory is that it is stress indused, and I have a very stressful career. I’m also in good company, as some others who have it include President John F Kennedy, actor John Cleese and John Anderson, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia. It appears to be trigger points in the muscles of the pelvic floor.
Eventually the symptoms subside and in many cases it will go away after a few years, 5 to 10.
I have been doing very well this past year, and since beginning Kyokushin it has been great, until this past week, when I got a flare up. So, on Monday I wasn’t sure what to do. One of my concerns was that if I went to class, I would be distracted by the pain and I could get injured by not being present. Or, just being so uncomfortable that I couldn’t concentrate.
I was extremely upset by it, and depressed. I had really hoped that I made it pass any more big flare ups.
I decided that it was more important to try and fail, then not to try at all. So, I went to class. I had never told Sensei about this, as I’ve been embarrassed by it, as many men are, but I told him before class. He was extremely understanding and told me to do what I can.
It turned out to be an awesome class! Conditioning, spinning Ushiro geri, evasive techniques, partner drills, sparring. A very intense night. Osu!

But the most magical part of it all?! Kyokushin is a great example of mindful movement! Because I was so focused on technique, accuracy, my partner, Sensei’s instruction, etc., I was lost within myself. I forgot about the pain, or it didn’t exist for that hour and a half.
It turned out that Kyokushin Karate was the best medication I have ever taken for CPPS (aside from my faithful dog Lemon), and it has really opened my eyes, and mind, to what else is happening when we practice. Beyond the physical movements, there are some very important mental facets to our training, which I need to explore in greater detail.
I am lucky to have such an amazing traditional dojo as Contact Kicks, and such great teacher in Fogarasi Sensei.