The World Open Karate Championship is the largest competition in Kyokushin Karate, which Sosai...
This past week was a monumental achievement for me I received my Shodan (Black Belt) in Kyokushin...
After publishing my previous article on Kiba-dachi (Horse Stance) I received a lot of feedback Some...
Why is kiba-dachi (horse stance) so prevalent in karate, yet not utilized as a fighting stance Why...
The History of Kyokushin, 3 tribute episodes dedicated to the art of Kyokushin Karate, by Art of...
I haven’t been too active lately on TMW, due to some personal issues, which included my own...
礼に始まり礼に終わる There is a phrase in Japanese martial way (Budo)...
It’s been quite sometime since I did a blog post or podcast I’ve had many people contacting me...
Since beginning the podcast and opening conversations around training it has raised some questions...
Shihan Cameron Quinn, author of “The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama,” Uchi Deshi under Sosai Mas...