This is an excerpt from an interview Graham Noble conducted with Goshi Yamaguchi, the third son...
What differentiates Kyokushin Karate from sport We were reminded of this by Sensei Steve Fogarasi...
I have a new home Okay, it isn’t really a new home for me, but it is for all the students of...
Kaizen (改善), “change for better“ What is Kaizen It is the Japanese practice of...
What a week! Beginning last Thursday, April 9th, the International Federation of Karate...
Standing in Zenkutsu-dachi 前屈立ち Sensei Fogarasi calls out various strikes and blocks for...
I have been off training for over a week due to moving, and having a nasty cold I returned on...
I know, you don’t even like reading about Kihon, let alone practice it As we are moving into...
There are people who come into your life that leave a mark It almost feels as if it was meant to be...
While drilling basics, with the focus mid-way in class on kicks, we were all lined up with Sensei...